"The lifestyle"
The "Dubldomovo Snegiri" village is located just 30 kilometers from Moscow. Its creators are going to build a community based on the principles of love for environment, openness and mutual respect. They choose the DublDom architecture for implementing this idea.
Model: BEREZ
Architect: Ivan Ovchinnikov
Interior design: owner
The area of the village covers five hectares.
Snegiri is a well-known country houses spot. On a narrow road, clamped by blind fences, we drive up to the "DublDomovo Snegiri". Here the landscape suddenly changes - in a spacious meadow surrounded by forest on three sides, wide roads are broken, neat one-story houses stand freely. No fences. A dream come true for everyone who has ever dreamed of a DublDom.

Oleg, the founder of the village, has a lot of experience - he owned a large IT company, was engaged in fish business and fitness clubs. He lived in a stone mansion in Krasnogorsk, built according to an individual project. As Oleg says, for all these years he never got to know his neighbors, although they lived nearby for more than one year.

The race for achievements, gains and losses led Oleg to understanding that the potential can be revealed in other ways, finding support within himself. The paradigm shifting led to changes in lifestyle and acquaintance with Anna. Anna lived in Kiev, where she made several large startups, was engaged in business, at the same time got a second education and became a practicing psychologist.
The owner's house has all the essentials. After moving out of a big house, they decided to take only what they needed.
It turned out that this was enough.
Anna and Oleg met at a tantra seminar two years ago. Common views and goals, as well as serious business experience, suggested that it makes no sense to look for an ideal environment, because they have every opportunity to create it themselves.

As we found out during the conversation, in the case of Anna and Oleg, the intention, reinforced by action, always works. In March 2017, one of Oleg's partners unexpectedly offered a suitable five hectares plot. The ideal place to create that fundamentally different environment. For everyone who wishes to join, the principles were crated - openness of space (no fences), minimalistic architecture in a single style, good neighborliness and respect for each other and the surrounding world.

After looking at different options, Anna and Oleg decided to choose the architect Ivan Ovchinnikov, the creator of the modular houses DublDom, as a partner. The first houses were installed in 2017. Now KEDR 65 performs the function of reception, and the couple temporarily lives in BEREZA 43 - here Anna and Oleg meet numerous guests.
The layout of the village takes pride of place in the owners' house.
While Anna pours the freshly brewed pu-erh, I ask the inevitable question: why DublDom? "Firstly, the house is made at the factory. Secondly, it is very well thought out — Oleg says. — I have looked at many projects that appeared and disappeared quickly. Now I don't see any of those companies that said they would build no worse and cheaper. Ivan brought the process to perfection. I have built a lot of housing and deduced one formula for myself: the construction time is an added value to the cost of housing. The DublDom takes one week to build - two days for foundation and another five days for installation."

In addition to factory production and installation speed, Anna and Oleg were bribed by the ideas of lightness, openness, contact with nature, which are read in Ivan's architecture. The houses fit perfectly into the environment.
Already built houses adjoin the forest. A large glass area makes the trees part of the home space.
The plots are divided into 1000 square meters each, plans with design solutions have been developed. Some residents have already implemented Ivan Ovchinnikov's idea of two houses - KEDR 65 and BEREZA 43 - connected by a common outdoor terrace.

The first residents of the village, Ksenia and Maxim, dreamed of architecture in a single style and plots without fences. As it turned out, this is not an easy task — after a year of searching and already almost desperate, they saw the "Dubldomovo Snegiri". Like most, Ksenia and Maxim's plot is located next to the forest and houses are already ready for moving in.

A little further away, next to a transparent lake, there is a plot of Anna and Oleg, who are building a 130 meter DublDom according to an individual project. Oleg says that he would like to populate the pond with fish. And again, its's a chance to see how the power of intention works in the case of this couple: just a few minutes later, rural residents on bicycles appeared in the village, by chance they started talking about the pond, and the guys immediately offered to bring their fish — it turned out that they were breeding it.
The plots are surrounded by forest, which was cleared not so long ago at a joint clean-up.
We continue our slow walk around the village. The central meadow is reserved for sale, there are also houses that can be rented for long- and short-term rentals. But it wasn't limited with houses — thinking about the environment, Anna and Oleg paid special attention to public spaces: now a guest area with a cafe where yoga classes are held has been completed, an extensive lecture program has been invented. "We create a place for the implementation of any ideas. We invite various speakers to the summer platform, whose topics of speeches are diverse - from the interior and parenting to yoga and Buddhist traditions practices" the couple says. There will also be a bathhouse complex here, which all residents of the village can use and which Anna is looking forward to - she wants to do women's seminars here based on Russian bathhouse traditions. The area for the vegetable garden has been cleared - having reasonably judged that the usual gardens bring confusion to the landscape, it will be possible to grow vegetables and fruits on a separate territory. Nearby, above a murmuring stream, Oleg plans to build a small tree house for meditation.
Summer area for yoga and lectures. A cafe is open on weekends.
The couple's impressive plans do not end there - believing that the space should be primarily family-friendly, they will build a kindergarten and an elementary school, which will be taught according to the Zhokhov method.

Anna and Oleg answer the question about the village status and its future together: "It is wrong to compare us with an ordinary cottage village — we do not sell plots, but create a space where you find the lifestyle."
Anna and Oleg - the founders of the "DublDomovo Snegiri " village.
Text: Anastasia Ryzhkova
Photo: Julia Sverchkova